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Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo...

For once I didn't actually read the book before seeing the movie. So I wasn't as disappointed as my sister at how many details were skipped in the movie that were in the book. I thought it was a sexy,action packed,thriller/mystery. I highly recommend it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Darkest Hour

The movie was o.k. It reminded me too much of Independence Day. Especially when some of the characters were giving their inspirational speeches. The aliens looked cool (when you could see them!) All in all, I recommend that either you wait until it gets to the cheaper priced theaters or rent it from Redbox.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Before you see this, rent the first one, just so you can remember how it ends. The second one seems like it takes place right from where the first one left off. It was good. It made me realize that I need to really pay attention to details. It's just so hard for me to do that! Lots of action, things blown up! Definitely a man's movie! Jared Harris (Professor Moriarty) is a really good bad guy and I enjoyed Moriarty's and Holmes's witty banter. Go see it!