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Just watched this movie Hysteria
In the Victorian Era, doctors diagnosed women with feminine hysteria when they exhibited symptoms such as nervousness, loss of appetite for food or sex, and a "tendency to cause trouble". These women would undergo a "pelvic massage" — manual stimulation of the genitals by the doctor (sometimes for hours and hours) until the patient experienced "hysterical paroxysm" (orgasm). Extreme cases resulted in women forced in to insane asylums and removal of the uterus.
Hysteria is about a young doctor, Mortimer Grandville who is hired as an assistant in a private practice by Dr. Robert Dalrymple. Dr. Dalrymple uses pelvic massage to treat the well to do woman and teaches Mortimer his methods. Mortimer & Dalrymple's methods prove to be a huge success until Mortimer suddenly has hand cramps and is then fired by Dalrymple. When Mortimer turns to his lifelong friend Edmund St. John-Smythe for advice while using Edmund's new invention (a electric powered feather duster) and discovers that the vibrations are felt throughout his body, he realizes that the duster may be the solution to a much quicker "hysterical paroxysm". Thus, the first vibrator is born!
It was a good romantic comedy and the interactions between Hugh Dancy (Grandville) and Maggie Gyllenhaal (Charlotte Dalrymple) are believable. I give it 8 stars out of 10.
Channing Tatum plays Mike, a man who's searching for the "American Dream" while wearing a thong decides to mentor a young upstart (Alex Pettyfer).
The choreography was okay, I think they saved the best moves for Channing (and he IS a talented dancer). The story was predictable. 2 1/2 stars out of ten.
23-year-old Ruth Saunders decides to move to California with her 70-year-old grandma hoping to make it big as a T.V. writer. Once her sitcom "The Next Best Thing" gets green lit, she has to deal with all of the Hollywood baggage that goes with it.
I have loved Jennifer's books since I read Good In Bed. I like her sense of humor and her smart, funny, sarcastic, REALISTIC characters. This book did not let me down. I loved Ruth for all of her flaws and hoped for her to have the happy ending that she so richly deserves. You can tell that she wrote this book "loosely" based on her experiences writing on the T.V. show "State of Georgia".
New York - 1897,
Finley Jayne and her "straynge band of mysfits" rush to save cowboy Jasper and Mei (the girl with the clockwork collar) from the evil clutches of a "former friend".
Having read the prequel: The Strange Case of Finley Jayne and The Girl in the Steel Corset (Book 1 in the series) I was left wanting to know what happens to Finley Jayne and her "straynge band of mysfits". The genre is interesting, Victorian age meets steam punk. All in all, a great edge-of-the-seat thriller with a dash of romance amidst steam punk animatronics. I gave it 7 stars out of 10.
Agent J travels in time to MIB's early years in the 1960s, to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.
I went to see MIB3 because I enjoyed the first movie. I laughed at most of the jokes, all in all I gave MIB(1) 8 stars out of 10. I heard that MIB3 beat box office numbers on opening weekend. People talked about how good it was BUT not me! I really thought that Josh Brolin was a good Agent K. He really nailed Tommy Lee Jones mannerisms. I laughed maybe once. To sum it up, I would give this movie 3 stars out of 10. Wait to rent it from Redbox or something.
I really enjoyed this book! To me, it's about a married woman who is tired of being taken for granted by her husband and adult children. She decides that enough is enough,wants her independence and leaves. Her daughter,Jill is inspired by her and decides to assert her independence in her own way.
I enjoyed the book because it is realistic. It portrays the characters as people I can relate to. I give this book 4 out of 5 thumbs up!
My first reaction when I saw the commercials for this movie was, "This looks like a stupid movie." It wasn't a smart thriller like Contagion by any means, but it surprised me. I was actually entertained (even though I figured things out early into the movie). It was good to see how they put the pieces together. I would recommend this movie if you are looking for an hour and 42 minutes of pure entertainment. It will make you forget about your stresses until the movie is done. After all,isn't that the point of a movie?
Isabella learns that her mother murdered 3 church members while undergoing an exorcism and she travels to Rome with a documentary crew to discover the facts about exorcisms and her mother.
It was dark, creepy and sometimes a little shocking and yet, sometimes pretty predictable. I actually had to cover my eyes in a couple of parts. I would say go see it (if you are not bothered by that kind of subject). But it's not a movie that I would say deserves the full ticket price. I would rather see the extended cut of the Exorcist instead.